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Keyword Research

Keyword Syncretism: How To Abandon The One True Keyword & Live In The Real World

Like so many, when I first started in SEO, I thought of a short list of keywords as the central point for which all marketing efforts should revolve -- my one-true-keyword was the "sun" my work revolved around. The flaw in this thinking, I found, is not in the solar system model; but in the quantity of suns for which my efforts were revolving.

By |2014-04-22T09:06:06-04:00December 1st, 2011|SEO|Comments Off on Keyword Syncretism: How To Abandon The One True Keyword & Live In The Real World

How to find the best keywords

Keywords… are they important? Do I really need them? How do I find them? Hell yeah, choosing the right keywords is essential to the optimization of your website! Ok, here’s a little keyword information… What are Keywords? Keywords and phrases [...]

By |2011-05-24T17:47:28-04:00May 25th, 2011|SEO|6 Comments
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