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He Said, She Said: Avoiding the SEO Cowboys [How To Choose An SEO Company]

When we get work undertaken for things we don’t understand we often have to cross our fingers and hope that the judgments are right. Choosing an SEO company can be tough for any business and the fact that the business is chock full of snake oil SEO makes it difficult for even the most astute of businesses to be confident in the decisions they make when choosing a provider.

By |2011-09-29T05:49:15-04:00October 6th, 2011|SEO|4 Comments

The Facebook PPC Opportunity

Facebook’s share of online advertising revenue has grown considerably over the last 3 years, largely due to some significant and innovative improvements to their advertising functionality. PPC advertisers can now target users on Facebook with incredible detail, allowing for highly-relevant campaigns reaching thousands of potential niches.

By |2013-05-30T07:11:08-04:00October 3rd, 2011|PPC, Social Media Marketing|Comments Off on The Facebook PPC Opportunity

The Six Month Plan To Social Media Dominance

Social networking has become the buzzword of the decade and not a day goes by without hundreds or thousands more businesses jumping into the social networking deep end. Just like you wouldn't want to promote the mail room clerk to CEO overnight, you certainly don't want to launch a full-fledged multi-platform social media brand presence in one fell swoop.

By |2013-05-30T07:11:20-04:00October 3rd, 2011|Social Media Marketing|Comments Off on The Six Month Plan To Social Media Dominance
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